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-WITNESS- Me, or We? General James Green M OST CHRISTIANS have a misconception about “witnessing”—that God chooses only certain individuals to witness for Him. Where do these misinformed believers get this information? Well, they quickly point out Eph. 4:11 where it says, “And He (God) gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.” They reason, to “evangelize” (witness) is to be an evangelist—a gift given only to “some.” That is true to a certain extent, but an evangelist and a witness are not necessarily one in the same. EVERY born again Christian is called to be a “witness.” ARE YOU ASHAMED OF WHAT JESUS DID FOR YOU? The apostle Paul boldly stated, “For I am NOT ASHAMED of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth...” (Rom. 1:16). You do want the lost to be saved, don’t you? If you appreciate your personal salvation, then you ought to “witness” for Jesus’ sake, for He died for others too...remember? John (1 Jn. 1:1-3) witnesses to his readers/ hearers about the “Word of life” (v.1) and in verse two he says: “(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;).” Then in verse 3 he states: “That which we have seen and heard (talking about Jesus, the Christ) declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.” We can be witnesses orally, vocally, or by writing tracts, booklets, books etc.. We’re blessed with so much technology today—internet, radio, T.V., printing press, video, DVD, telephone, etc. that can all be used to be a “witness” for Christ. But, one of the greatest ways to be a “witness” is by living the Christian life. Your life can tell people many times much more than your words, especially if you’re not walking (fellowshipping) close to your Lord. Put your walk into words and you’ll have a greater witness. Being a true “witness” is not only telling others of the love and mercies of Jesus, His forgiveness, His purpose and plan for saved man, BUT that WE ALL are sinners (saved by Grace if you have become a Christian!) who deserve eternal punishment, and HELL FIRE will be our reward if we neglect so great a salvation. This is the TRUTH also. Don’t lead sinners into a half-truth about the Gospel. The Christian life is a new WAY...the OLD way must be avoided. In Proverbs 11:30 we read, “...he who wins souls is wise.” Short and sweet! So, if you don’t win souls, you are a fool. God uses the vessel—you, me, or we, but it is the Holy Spirit that does the miraculous converting…we only help. We may plead with lost souls, but we are not responsible for their refusal. This has stopped some Christians in their tracks, never to “witness” for Christ again. Be a TRUE “witness” for Jesus, and leave the results to Him. This will save you and me many hours of needless sorrow and anguish. Souls are DAMNED without Christ!! It is our duty/our commission to “witness” for Him/to bring others into fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. SOULS LIVE AND DIE IN DARKNESS YEAR AFTER YEAR, NOT KNOWING THE SAVING GRACE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. Once we win a soul/souls, we then must work at making disciples. Who is to be “disciple maker”? We’ll look into that in future articles. We would like to
hear from you!
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